Home Improvement - Bad Ideas, Tips & Trend

Be careful with your reno ideas.

Just because you are spending more money does not mean it will add more value to the house  … Here are some bad ideas: –

5 Bad Home Renovations That Lower Your Home’s Value

The Cheat Sheet
A $20,000 midrange kitchen remodel adds about $16,700 to your home’s value, a payback of 83%. You’ll get about 20% … Unfortunately, not every home upgrade is really animprovement, at least when it comes to your home’s value.


Modern Apartment in Vejle, Denmark

Image Source


Don’t forget the butt … Sexy booty is equally important in real estate.


7 Backyard Landscaping Ideas That Will Entice You to Come Out of the House

Ah, the irony of having a backyard: Homeowners pine for a green patch of land to call their own, but once they’ve got it, they very rarely visit the place.


And the guy who you going to hire to do the job … can be a nightmarish exercise.


Tips for hiring a contractor

The Boston Globe
Are you looking to hire someone to build an addition? Remodel your kitchen? Well, close your laptop and open your front door.

Also, the wiring bit is apparently an important element …

Think about electrical before you remodel

KCCI Des Moines
The cost of electrical improvement for a home remodel or addition can vary widely, depending on the extent of the work and what you are having installed or upgraded.

Try stealing couple of ideas from the genius ..

Canada Council for the Arts announces architecture prize winners

Canadian Architect
Dubbeldam Architecture + Design and Studio Junction Inc. have been awarded Canada Council for the Arts prizes inarchitecture. Dubbeldam has won the 2016 Professional Prix de Rome in Architecture, one of the oldest and most prestigious prizes in …

Hey, flower is now trendy …

The Home Front: Blooming florals are back, transformed, in home decor

Vancouver Sun
Florals are back in home decor but they’re less cottage twee and more architectural in design, says Sarah Edmonds, Creative Director at Vancouver design studio Banquet Atelier.
Image Source

Looking for job?

Don’t miss out on vast careers in construction

London Free Press
It doesn’t help that most TV decor shows mistakenly portray construction as easy by not showing the fine points or knowledge that is required.


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