Why London Inferno will happen in Toronto - Part 2

When it comes to fire prevention, media in Canada basically take comments by local experts at face value ie. because we have Building Code in place, catastophe similar to Grenfell Tower a.k.a the London Inferno has no chance to take place.


First, let’s take a look at what the media say,

London’s fire symptomatic of larger safety issues globally, experts warn

“One of the reasons is the technology that is now being used in building materials and building fabrics has outstripped the codes and standards in practice… CTV News

London fire: Cladding blamed for inferno’s rapid spread restricted in Canada

All exterior cladding materials for buildings higher than four storeys must be tested for fire resistance and comply with strict standards… Globalnews.ca

Lessons of the Grenfell blaze: How can Canada’s thousands of aging towers be kept safe?

“This requires a careful review of building codes, of approved materials,” said Graeme Stewart of ERA Architects, a specialist in the renewal of modern apartment towers… The Globe and Mail

Canadian building code designed to guard against fires like London blaze

Shoddy cladding may be the culprit behind London’s Grenfell Tower fire, which left 79 dead or missing. While the U.K. doesn’t mandate fire-retardant material, Canadian regulations prevent the issue—at least in theory… CanadianManufacturing.com

Conclusion so far,

As you can see, the standard answer is “Building Code”, “Building Standard”, or “Building Materials” – repeatedly quoted throughout all the reports.

Is it true that “Building Code” or “Building Materials” alone can guarantee similar fire will not happen?

Probably true to certain extend … (Please bear in mind that “Building code” usually means the “bare minimum standard”, a slight defect here means there will be no more “protection”).

However, the codes are not much of an issue. The real issue is …

What if the “Building Code” is not followed?

Here is classic case where neither “Building Code” nor “Fire Code” is followed: –

No compliance at all?

YES, Totally NOT Compliant with the Fire/Building Codes. In fact, also violates City bylaw and safety related law of all jurisdictions.


Anyway, we will also touch on how such third world phenomenon may scare away foreign money in our next exposé.

Meanwhile, CBC asked …

Do you know the fire code?

How do you expect ordinary folk to know Fire Code or Building Code, when the responsible Fire Prevention personnel also not that well-versed with the Building Code/Fire Code … as in this case: –

Here is a fairer reporting,

‘Major fail:’ Cladding blamed in Grenfell Tower fire wouldn’t pass Canadian safety tests

But in Canada, strict rules on the use of cladding make it unlikely, though not impossible, that a similar tragedy could occur here, industry experts say… CBC.ca
At least it is reported as “though not impossible“.

More about Grenfell Tower a.k.a the tragic London Inferno: –


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