Camping Out For Shelter & Condo

Previously, Renters driven to tents, rental bidding wars, and more affordability issues.

More affordability stories …

Forced to camp for shelter – Jul 9, 2016
Kelowna has a notoriously low rental vacancy rate, as low as 0.5 per cent according to some, which makes it difficult for those looking to rent something affordable.
Homeless camps in Abbotsford
Image Source

Potential condo buyers camp out — in Abbotsford? – Jul 9, 2016
Given Metro Vancouver’s red-hot housing market, the sight of anxious buyers camped out in front of a condo development isn’t considered all that unusual … About 20 prospective buyers are lined up for Fraser Valley condos; some have waited close to 2 weeks.

People lining up to buy condo in TorontoImage Source

Regina rental vacancy rates keep rising, but so are rents – Jul 9, 2016
A reason for the change is that many homes being built in the city are multi-unit residential buildings, accounting for 68 per cent of housing starts in 2015. More rental units on the market has not caused rents to fall, however. The average monthly
Homelessness in Toronto
If the housing crisis persists, soon Canada will have to erect signs like this one everywhere
Not an accident, not a problem. Homelessness is a Political Agenda
Image Source

Canadians who rent are forced to scrap over a dwindling supply of housing that has never been more expensive, writes …

The Globe and Mail – Jul 9, 2016
The rapidly rising cost of rental units in Canada’s largest cities, along with vacancy rates near zero, have meant it’s increasingly difficult for people who rely on rental units to find – and keep – their housing. Like the real estate market, rental
Opinion: Affordability crisis: More of the same is not the solution 
City working to increase supply of rental housing 
 What is causing the social chaos Canadian renters are facing in today?
Is it due to unscrupulous developers, greedy landlords, or our incompetent public administrators?
Looks like there is at least one more suspect … Airbnb.
Why Airbnb?
It sounds like Airbnb gets better returns for property owners from short-term stay as compared to long-term housing for renters. And as such, many resort to short-term lease … and causing severe housing shortage along the process?

Airbnb says over half of Vancouver hosts use income to pay rent, mortgage – ‎Jul 7, 2016‎
“It shows the majority of people in Vancouver are doing this on occasion and doing this as supplemental income,” said Max Pomeranc, Airbnb’s regional head of public policy.
No solution in sight yet. Here are some voices pertaining to the subject matter ..

Opinion: Affordability crisis: More of the same is not the solution

Vancouver Sun- ‎Jul 8, 2016‎
One of these sites was an assembly of two older, more-affordable low-rise rental apartment buildings, reportedly bought by Peter and Bruno Wall for $16.8 million in 2014.
City working to increase supply of rental housing 

More insight …

Insight into Vancouver’s real estate market

MoneySense ‎Jul 8, 2016‎
A number of reports were issued Thursday about Vancouver’s red-hot real estatemarket. Here are some of the key findings from those reports: – Airbnb says the average host in Vancouver makes an income of about $6,500 annually by occasionally renting …

The changing face of housing

Ottawa Sun ‎Jul 8, 2016‎
Over the past ten years, the national, provincial and local Home Building Associations across Canada have dedicated a vast amount of their time and resources to try and draw the attention of elected officials’ at all three levels of government to the


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