Mortgage - What's New?

How to score the best mortgage and wipe out that debt

Will you lie awake at night knowing yourmortgage rate could rise if suddenly theCanadian economy starts to improve and the Bank of Canada hikes lending rates? And that’s the key with scoring the right mortgage. Customers need to shop around for the

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As home prices climb, taking 30 years to pay off mortgage is becoming new norm in Toronto and Vancouver

Financial Post – ‎Jun 20, 2016‎
They are exactly the type of mortgages the government banned for about half of the borrowing Canadian public, but loans with 30-year amortizations, as opposed to 25 years, are slowly becoming the norm for consumers with a down payment of 20 per cent or …

How to Get the Best Mortgage Rate – ‎Jun 29, 2016‎
Mortgage rates in the United States are near historic lows, thanks in part to Britain’s decision to leave the European Union. The Brexit has led to increased global economic uncertainty and many investors, seeking safer investments, have moved their
Let us know if you do know where to get the best rate … preferably without too many strings attached.
While the market is hot, we should,

Hot Markets, Let’s Keep Cool Heads

Canadian Mortgage Trends – ‎Jun 27, 2016‎
For some time, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation has attempted to estimate the extent of foreign buying in segments of Canadian housing markets. Some informed observers have expressed skepticism about the reliability of those estimates, and …


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