
Ontario: Fire Code refers to Building Code to determine building safety

By Corruption Victim of City of Toronto It was comforting to hear the assuring statement by Toronto Fire Chief Matthew Pegg: – Officials say London inferno won’t happen in Toronto : Strict building codes and inspections should prevent similar infernos “Here in Ontario we are fortunate to have the comprehensive fire protection and fire safety measures that are contained in the building code ,” He further explains residential building in the province must be constructed with non-combustible construction (in accordance with the  Ontario Building Code ) ie. be built out of materials that don’t burn. Of particular interest here is the fact that the Fire Chief himself confirmed Fire Code refers to Building Code to determine building safety . In another word, building that contravened the building Code in fire safety also violated the Fire Code (under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997). Unfortunately, an inquiry with Toronto Fire Prevention revealed the responsible staff actually

Toronto's Buildings are a disaster waiting to happen?

If the followings are anything to go by, then homes and buildings in Toronto are a disaster waiting to happen … Toronto’s glass condos are burning thermal holes in the sky Greenhouse-gas-leaking towers setting us up for climate change fail According to City’s  TransformTO plan , we’ll all be living near accessible fossil-fuel-free transit, tossing our waste into tiny garbage bins and getting 75 per cent of our energy from renewable sources, and all our homes, condos and apartments will be retrofitted to become lean, clean greenhouse-gas–saving machines. But in a city where half our greenhouse gas emissions now come from leaky buildings , the glass condo boom may be setting us up for failure. Here is the glaring reality: many glass towers and other hastily built condos are falling apart faster than the old concrete giants – springing leaks, facing high repair bills and prompting lawsuits. They’re also greenhouse-gas-emitting giant thermal holes . Anyone living in a glass box knows that

Why London Inferno will happen in Toronto

The London Inferno Massive fire engulfs Grenfell Tower in West London. The Fire Killed 12, Injured 74 … ‘Someone is jumping! Someone is jumping!’ By Corruption Victim of City of Toronto The tragic catastrophe prompted CTV to question the City of Toronto’s officials, Can A Similar Fire Happen In Toronto? Source Before we examine comments from the officials, let’s find out what is causing fire in the first place? What Caused The Fire? Apparently, the culprit is CLADDING of the building. Planning documents revealed cladding was installed so that the tower would be more visually pleasing. Cladding has been found to contribute to similar tower fires around the world, including residential blocks in Dubai, but with significantly less casualties. Victims of the Grenfall Tower blaze were ‘left to die’ in a building that was a ‘disaster waiting to happen’ Daily Mail reported new plastic rain-proof cladding encasing the building in £10million refurbishment ‘went up like a match ‘ and helped fi

Why London Inferno will happen in Toronto - Part 2

Credit When it comes to fire prevention, media in Canada basically take comments by local experts at face value ie. because we have Building Code in place, catastophe similar to Grenfell Tower a.k.a the London Inferno has no chance to take place. TRUE or FALSE? First, let’s take a look at what the media say, London’s fire symptomatic of larger safety issues globally, experts warn “One of the reasons is the technology that is now being used in building materials and building fabrics has outstripped the codes and standards in practice…  CTV News London fire: Cladding blamed for inferno’s rapid spread restricted in Canada All exterior cladding materials for buildings higher than four storeys must be tested for fire resistance and comply with strict standards… Lessons of the Grenfell blaze: How can Canada’s thousands of aging towers be kept safe? “This requires a careful review of building codes , of approved materials,” said Graeme Stewart of ERA Architects, a specialist

Why London Inferno will happen in Toronto – Part 3

Is Toronto Fire ready and capable of handling a massive fire like the London Inferno? Secret report reveals fire response problems Toronto firefighters have no access to critical building information, a secret consultant’s report says. Unlike most fire services, Toronto firefighters speeding to a call have no access to critical building information like the location of water, firefighting equipment or hazardous materials, a secret consultant’s report says. Grenfell Tower On Fire The Star , which exposed tardy response time to some blazes last year, obtained the $150,000 report under municipal freedom of information legislation. Key portions are blacked out – 53 of 157 pages and numerous other pages are censored…  What kind of Free of Information is this? Here’s what the Star has learned from uncensored areas of the report. Toronto Fire is taking too long to answer calls, process the information and dispatch firefighters. Details on how slow they are have been blacked out in the report.

London Inferno - "Posing Fire Risks & Killing A Few Is Okay"

By Corruption Victim of City of Toronto UPDATE: In relation to my previous articles, “ Why London Inferno will happen in Toronto ” and  “ Ontario: Fire Code refers to Building Code to determine building safety”, Public Fire Hazards Allowed By City Of Toronto  –  “ Illegal  Extension – Fire Hazards” , Just like the tragic London Inferno, we believe the existing fire hazards are ‘ disaster waiting to happen ’. Appeals to get the City of Toronto to address the anticipated safety risks has so far fell on ‘ deaf ears ‘. It is for this reason, I commented “ Why London Inferno will happen in Toronto “. Before proceeding with Toronto Building Scandal, some controversial comments from couple of “readers” popped up at a social media. And to my astonishment, their argument basically suggests (in the event of a fire outbreak), “Killing A Few Is No Parallel To Mass Murder” and, “Posing Life Risks To A Small Group People Is Okay”  Credit: iHuffPost UK Of course, these are not the exact words of the

China & Canada - Money, Politics, Real Estate

CBC asks if the housing bubble will pop as a result of tightened capital controls? Will China’s tightened capital controls pop the housing bubble? China imposes further restrictions to control capital flowing out of the country This month, the limit on foreign currency transactions in China was lowered to $9,000 to increase scrutiny on investment money flowing out of the country. Promoting some to fear this could be the catalyst that finally causes Canada’s bloated real-estate prices to collapse. Obviously there will always be support for  real estate in Canada … forever expanding till the end of time (just our universe). “International shoppers are ‘relatively minor players’ but there are a lot of other things going on in the Vancouver, Toronto, Seattle or San Francisco housing market that have continued to propel housing prices upward,” said senior economist Aaron Terrazas, of Zillow, a real estate market research company based in Seattle. China caps capital But what if buyers from C

Add Value To Your Home Using Apps

By Sam Fox Whether you are comtemplating a complete home makeoveror merely wanted some ideas to improve your nest, ther is an app for that – many actually. Apps That Will Change The Way You Decorate Envision all of your home improvements, in just a few taps. Color Capture Free, available for iOS and Android Best Paint Color Picker For those always inspired by colors on the go, snap them with Benjamin Moore’s Color Capture app, and it’ll produce its matching paint color, along with coordinating shades that you can save and pick up swatches of later. Users note that the real paint color is usually a little darker than the app’s display, but it’s a great jumping-off point to get to the perfect hue. Chairish Free, available for iOS Best for Unique Antiques If you have your heart set on a particular vintage piece to complete a space, your best bet in actually obtaining it is by using the Chairish app. A dedicated buyer-and-seller’s marketplace for high-quality, pre-loved furniture, Chairis