
Showing posts from July, 2022

Ontario: Fire Code refers to Building Code to determine building safety

By Corruption Victim of City of Toronto It was comforting to hear the assuring statement by Toronto Fire Chief Matthew Pegg: – Officials say London inferno won’t happen in Toronto : Strict building codes and inspections should prevent similar infernos “Here in Ontario we are fortunate to have the comprehensive fire protection and fire safety measures that are contained in the building code ,” He further explains residential building in the province must be constructed with non-combustible construction (in accordance with the  Ontario Building Code ) ie. be built out of materials that don’t burn. Of particular interest here is the fact that the Fire Chief himself confirmed Fire Code refers to Building Code to determine building safety . In another word, building that contravened the building Code in fire safety also violated the Fire Code (under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997). Unfortunately, an inquiry with Toronto Fire Prevention revealed the responsible staff actually

Toronto's Buildings are a disaster waiting to happen?

If the followings are anything to go by, then homes and buildings in Toronto are a disaster waiting to happen … Toronto’s glass condos are burning thermal holes in the sky Greenhouse-gas-leaking towers setting us up for climate change fail According to City’s  TransformTO plan , we’ll all be living near accessible fossil-fuel-free transit, tossing our waste into tiny garbage bins and getting 75 per cent of our energy from renewable sources, and all our homes, condos and apartments will be retrofitted to become lean, clean greenhouse-gas–saving machines. But in a city where half our greenhouse gas emissions now come from leaky buildings , the glass condo boom may be setting us up for failure. Here is the glaring reality: many glass towers and other hastily built condos are falling apart faster than the old concrete giants – springing leaks, facing high repair bills and prompting lawsuits. They’re also greenhouse-gas-emitting giant thermal holes . Anyone living in a glass box knows that