
Showing posts from May, 2017

Real Estate - Fake News and False Stories

Donald Trump is right about “Fake News”. There are fake news, and there are false stories. It’s time we seek alternative news. alternative views. Here are couple of “fake news”: – CMHC insurance volumes plunged 41% after mortgage rules tightened Canada’s housing agency saw a sharp decline in the number of home buyers who qualified for mortgage insurance under tougher rules implemented last fall… This news insinuated “The sky is falling down” … And the one below is even more absurd: – GTA home sales plunge as much as 61 per cent John Pasalis of Realosophy, found that Toronto region ground-level home sales – detached , semi- detached and town houses – dropped 26 per cent overall between April 20 and May 20 – the period directly following the provincial Fair Housing plan … Toronto Star Dropped 61%, Toronto Star says? Apparently, The flood of Toronto listings not all that it seems Some agents are beginning to point out the a typical pattern that’s throwing the statistics out of

Toronto's housing bubble is not Stephen Poloz's problem

It never was, and it will never be one. Pressure builds on Bank of Canada to tackle house prices by raising interest rates Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz said this month that 30 per cent gains in Toronto house prices are not sustainable and have been driven in part by speculation… Financial Post And here is a smart Alec commentary by Bloomberg, Canada Must Deflate Its Housing Bubble Canada’s housing market offers a case study in a contentious economic issue: If a central bank sees a bubble forming, should it act to deflate it? No idea. But fret not, because Deutsche Bank advised, Mr. Poloz, Toronto’s housing bubble ‘is not your problem’ Some observers have suggested Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz raise interest rates to deflate Toronto’s housing bubble . But, Mr. Poloz, Deutsche Bank says “Toronto is not your problem.” As The Globe and Mail’s Barrie McKenna reports … And some smart Alecs believe real estate speculation in Canada is never a conspiracy by foreigner