
Showing posts from September, 2016

Low Loonies are coming back to haunt Canadians

I have always expected this will be the direction Canada is heading – The government will keep interest low and keep printing money. Image Source Is there a problem here?

Canadian interest rates are the lowest in 5,000 years

While folk are debating solutions for our  problems, blaming foreign money and our immigration programs as the main culprits such as this article –  Toronto, don’t let Vancouver’s housing crisis become yours .  Whereby Josh Gordon, an assistant professor at the Simon Fraser University School of Public Policy writes about (and invited a lot of heated arguments): – Concern about foreign capital is xenophobic or racist Rising prices are all about low interest rates There is no data The problem is all about supply We want foreign “investment” Canada created history again. According to HuffPost, Canadian Home Prices  Growing Faster Than All But 2 Countries : Knight Frank Huffington Post Canada Bank of America Merrill Lynch noted just months ago that interest rates are the  lowest they’ve been in 5,000 years .